International Classical Arts Network


ICANET was founded in 2019. In addition to producing cultural events to foster performance in music and the arts, we will promote music and the arts in regions where cultural resources are limited. Culture: art, music, theater, dance – are vital contributions to the fabric of society in every nation. Artistic projects can be costly, however. Accordingly, organizations with limited resources may struggle to finance such endeavors. The directors of International Classical Arts Network, Dr. Haakon and Dr. Martha Smith, are seeking to provide implementation of arts programs in such areas to enhance the cultural life and advancement of arts and music as an integral part of a nation’s heritage. Current projects being developed by ICANET’s directors:


A project in mid-Bohemia in Czech Republic will aim to renovate a landmark building in a town which is also a landmark area. The renewed building will serve as a cultural center. It will provide opportunities for concerts, art exhibitions, small theater projects, lectures, and music instruction, servicing 15 surrounding villages. Included will be a summer music festival and opportunities for concerts, folk art, dance, and traditional Czech handicrafts. Such activities will also enhance the tourist industry in the region.

An international summer music festival and school in Bulgaria. The program will provide a comprehensive summer concert series and educational program for young musicians from all disciplines of musical arts. A focus will also be given to underprivileged children with the establishment of a program similar to “El Sistema” providing music instruction for children living in poverty. The summer music festival may also serve to advance tourism in Bulgaria by providing cultural activities for tourists.

The establishment of a museum to honor the work of the Romanian composer, Paul Constantinescu, 1909-1963. This project will be in collaboration with the George Enescu Museum in Bucharest. ICANET will be responsible for bringing cultural resources from Norway (Music, Art, Theater) for production in the museum, along with coordinating Romanian performers into the project.

A program is being created in Liberia, to establish the first formal music education program in that country. Dr. Martha and Dr. Haakon Smith visited the nation of Liberia and taught courses in music history (focused on both African influence on world music and European classical music), music theory and established a chorus. A director for the program is being prepared to enter a course of study leading to the establish of a music curriculum. Liberia will then have its first music education program in a college in Brewerville, Liberia. Accreditation of the program will be sought upon the candidate’s completion of a master’s degree in music education.

Get Involved

International Classical Arts Network
Postboks 60 Lilleaker
0216 Oslo Norway
P: +47 920 66445
+47 917 70805